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 Organization and Clan Template [3/29/08]

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Organization and Clan Template [3/29/08] Empty
PostSubject: Organization and Clan Template [3/29/08]   Organization and Clan Template [3/29/08] Icon_minitimeSat Mar 29, 2008 12:18 pm


Location: (if not in a village you must create a meeting place or headquarters... this location can be either made-up or a thread or section of the forum)

Purpose: (why does this organization exist, what do they hope to accomplish?)

Special Info: (if you have any ranking system for your members or any other conditions that they must be aware of then this is the section to make them aware of it...)

Requirements: (what does one have to do to become a member?, how do they get kicked out?)


Organizational Mission Statement: (a general statement that is given by the creator to communicate or clarify any of the following... how the organization started, how the organization is run, what the organization does, how to become a member, how to be kicked out...)

Current Members: (you should probably keep this up to date so you can keep track of who's in or out of your gang...)

you don't need to follow the template verbatim... in fact you can toss it out altogether... but you must have the required information on the organizations profile in order to be approved...

approved organizations are urged to make themselves a meeting thread in the lounge or updates section in order to maintain their contact with members if necessary...

...idiot proof...


[b][u]Special Info[/u]:[/b]
[b][u]Requirements[/u]:[/b] (what does one have to do to become a member?, how do they get kicked out?)

[b][u]Organizational Mission Statement[/u]:[/b]

[b][u]Current Members[/u]:[/b]

here is the template for clans... pay attention to the red parts... it will help you...
make sure the subject heading of your profile states the name of your clan...

Clan History:
Give some background story into how the clan was conceived, you could write a detailed time-line, give a descriptive story, or even explain how your character them self founded the clan... just make them a believable part in the Naruto world...
(this section has a 50 word requirement)

Clan's Secret Techniques or Bloodline traits:
briefly describe the origin of your clan's bloodline limit, any hidden techniques that they use, and how this has shaped their relationship with the village or villages that they interact with... WARNING: DO NOT LIST AND RANK YOUR CHARACTER'S JUTSUS, JUTSUS ARE TO BE APPROVED IN THE JUTSU CREATION SECTION... my personal suggestion is that you make your bloodline limits be as broad and general as possible, this means make them general enough so that more than just your character can be a part of the clan... for example if your clan has an affinity to use Ice in their jutsu, don't just create a ninjutsu set of moves, allow taijutsu and genjutsu users to be a part of the clan and use those techniques as well... don't limit your clan to just your character's affinities...
(this section has a 50 word minimum)

(The Following Section is now the Primary Focus of the Approval Process... Read these instructions very carefully...)
Clan Information: For reasons that have made themselves apparent this section now requires a 150 word minimum which will explain the details of who this Clan is... here is the breakdown of the separate sections...

-Population- this is now decided by a class ranking system... here are the classes...
Class E = 20-50
Class D = 50-100
Class C = 100-500
Class B = 500-1000
Class A = 1000+
follow the size of the clan with a description of the population, their general features like eye color, hair color, traits that make them different from other people you'd see on the village streets...
(This section requires a 25 word minimum)

-Nature- choose a classification of the people in your clan... are they...
Good - idealistic, moral and ethical, supportive of village authority, willing to serve others...
Neutral - pacifist, passive, non-aggressive, centrist, survivalist...
Evil - disillusioned, warped, opposed to authority of most kinds, self serving...
then write about what gives your clan that description...
think about what are your clan's highest values? what do they consider good? what do they consider evil?
(this part has a 25 word minimum...)

-Profession- What does your clan do for a living? Choose from the following list of occupations then explain how they use their bloodline to excel at what they do...
(this part has a 25 word minimum...)
Religious Services
Government Work
Preforming Arts
Other: (this is meant for any other type of work that isn't specific to ninja missions... think what a village would need to run...)

-Clan Founder- put a name here and describe what he does/did that made him/her found the clan, and then write about his/her relationship with your character if he has any...
(this part also has a twenty 25 word minimum)

-Relationship- What is your Clan's Role Today in relation with your character? explain how your character is related to the clan and give reasons explaining why or why not your character keeps contact with the clan.
(hey guess what... that's right this section now has a 25 word minimum...)

The Following Are Optional (but highly recommended) Sections...

-Clan training- you can choose to link people to your clan's jutsus, if you do please describe the techniques that are learned before the academy and taught by your clan to genin/chuunin/etc.

-Clan political structure- who runs the clan now, and how is it run

-Clan's Who's Who- Famous Shinobi from your clan- recognize clan members for the things that they did either leading the clan, or giving the clan a better or worse reputation depending on where you want to take it

whatever else you want to include... just don't list jutsus and make sure it makes your clan more believable in our forum

here's the tidy version of the template...
after making sure your profiles subject heading state's the name of your clan...

[b][u]Clan History[/u][/b]:
[b][u]Clan's Kekkei Genkai or Bloodline Limit[/u][/b]:
[b][u]Clan Information[/u][/b]:
-[u]Population[/u]- (Class: A,B,C,D or E)  - clan description here...
-[u]Nature[/u]- (Good, Neutral or Evil) - explanation of their nature here...
-[u]Profession[/u]- (state their occupation here...) - use of bloodline to assist in their trade here...
-[u]Clan Founder[/u]- (Name of Founder(s) here...) - the rhyme or reason this clan exists...
-[u]Relationship[/u]- where your character fits into the clan here...
Supplemental Information ([i]optional[/i])
-[b][u]Clan Training[/u][/b]- [url=xxx]xxx[/url] - description of clan jutsus
-[b][u]Clan Politics[/u][/b]- Name of Leader(s) - description of how the clan runs itself and its internal structure
-[b][u]Clan Who's Who[/u][/b]- note important past members of your clan here... describe what they did to become famous...
-[b][u]Write your own heading here...[/u][/b]- write whatever else you got here...

Credit to NarutoC
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